All You Need To Know About Puppy Training Schedules

Well, bringing home a puppy is exciting news and it’s not easy to suppress the excitement and get on with life as usual. The playful cute puppy will never let that happen. But as the new parent of the puppy, you have serious responsibilities towards him.

One of these responsibilities is setting a routine for him. In this article, we are going to enumerate all you need to know about puppy training schedules.

Having a structured schedule for your puppy is good for both you and the new canine member in your family. For you, the puppy training schedule means you don’t have to keep tending and looking after him all the time.

For the puppy, too, it’s easier to know what is expected of him. Clarity about the puppy training schedule and sticking to it helps everyone.

First Few Weeks After Bringing Your Pup Home

The first few weeks after the arrival of a new puppy, it is time for establishing good behaviors. As time passes by, the dog needs to be trained for various activities. This will help him shape up as per the family’s expectations.

With proper training, he will grow up as a fully adjusted dog and that means a lot!

Feeding Schedule

Your new puppy will eat twice a day when it is fully grown up. As a pup it needs feeds more frequently, 3 times a day is perfect. You can adjust it with your own breakfast, lunch, and dinner timing.

This way you will not forget feeding him. Along with food, take care of his water bowl. It should be clean and filled with clean and freshwater.

Potty Training

If you maintain a routine of feed time, the puppy will gradually adjust to a timely elimination routine. However, take your puppy outside every 2 to 4 hours for elimination. This is important during home training as it will ensure there are fewer accidents.

Playing Time

Your puppy is too young for strenuous activities but he is not too old for playful activities. Play with him! It is more useful to have several short play sessions with him rather than one long one. Having a decent playtime is good for his development.

Exercise Schedule

Your puppy is young and he needs soft exercises. Spending some quality time with him that involves mental stimulation and playful interaction is good for his balanced growth. But he should not be made to do strenuous exercises such as jumping, running long distances.

Running in the yard and mental stimulation is good for your puppy.

Naps and Bedtime

Young puppies are always sleeping, clocking almost 16-18 hours a day. He needs this kind of rest when he is young. So, plan several naps for him during the day and sensitize everyone in the house about his need for rest. When he is sleeping, no one should make a noise that can disturb him. It’s a good idea to buy a crate for him.

Place it in one part of your house where there is little noise.

When the puppy is sleeping for up to 18 hours in a day, you know there cannot be a fixed bedtime. Still, try to train him to have a fixed bedtime. This will help him get into a routine that so much depends on a fixed bedtime.

Is it necessary to have a puppy training schedule? Yes, it is, because you expect your puppy to grow into an intelligent, well-groomed, and well-behaved dog. That is not possible if you don’t train your puppy properly.

Having a schedule for your puppy makes it easy to follow it and lead a good and balanced life without missing out on any important thing.

So, here we go!

All you need to know about puppy training schedules is here, and it’s a good way to start training your puppy so that you can be proud of him.


First thing, take him out in the morning to relieve himself. Spend some time playing and interacting with him after he is done with the business.


At breakfast time, give him his breakfast and let it be in his bowl for 15 minutes. After that, remove the leftover and clean the bowl. Don’t give him any food until his next mealtime. You can give him treats though.

Take him out for a potty break as puppies tend to relieve themselves after eating. You can spend some time playing, training, or walking in the neighborhood.


After he has taken his breakfast, it’s time for him to have a nap and his crate or pen is the best place for this. He would learn to live alone when he likes it and no one needs to supervise him. You can set up a small portion for him to relieve himself if he stays there an extended period.


After he wakes up, you should take him out and let him relieve himself. You can have a little walk, exercise, or training. Back home, you should give him his lunch and after that’s finished, you should take him out again.

Remember, the puppy needs to be taken out every 2-4 hours so that he gets potty-trained and does not end up with an accident at home.


This is the time before dinner, so let him relieve well, and burn his calories playing and training with you.


While giving him dinner, you need to be around to take him out immediately after he has finished the dinner. After returning from outside, you can give him a chew toy so that he is busy and no one needs to give tidbits from there plate.


After a potty break, your puppy is ready for all the interaction and playful games. You can finish off the evening time with a treat and a stroll outside.


Take him to his crate and let him settle down for the night. A fixed bedtime for your puppy helps everybody.


For your puppy, the night can be too long without a potty break. So provision it in your night time business and take the puppy out for a few minutes.

Final Thoughts

So, this is all you need to know about puppy training schedules. If you follow this schedule and make your puppy follow it, too, both of you are going to have a great time ahead living together.


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